As the founder of Statyours, I (Linus Walden) consider myself personally responsible for the impact that our company and its products has on the environment which we all share.

Our entire team is on board with this mission, and we only work with partners who share our sentiment.

We know that we are not going to single-handedly save the world, and we are not going to pretend that we will - but we will try our best to not make it any worse.

This is why we created procedures and took certain measures to reduce our impact. In practice:

  • When designing our packaging, we made sure to make it 100% free of single-use plastics.

  • We live in the 21st century - so, whenever possible, we avoid travelling for work if it can be replaced by a video-meeting.

  • We’re making sure to recycle as much as possible. Recycling is certainly not 100% effective, but we’re at least going to try.

  • We’re constantly looking for ways to reduce our impact further. We plan on implementing a carbon compensation program in the near future.